Hale & Hearty App Progress February Update 2022
Hale & Hearty App Progress February Update 2022

Hale & Hearty App Progress February Update 2022

The Hale & Hearty team has been hard at work on our app and now we are happy to share some of the latest updates regarding our project.

We are happy to announce that the design of the app and specification are now complete. Over the past year, we’ve been hard at work implementing the right design for the app and now we are very excited to share it with you. Our focus is to deliver the best wellbeing and health knowledge base for our customers. The complete app will combine data and links from many sources like healthcare providers, the Central Statistics Office and Local Authorities through the Hale and Hearty Knowledge Base.

During the design process our focus was to make the app very easy to use, while also sharing all the necessary information in a simple, yet efficient manner. On top of that, we integrated a multitude of features and systems that would help monitor health and wellbeing.

There are also reward points based on the goals and challenges achieved. All of these are designed to help improve health gradually and naturally. And yes, all the data and information is private, it’s never shared with anyone else. We care about the app security and during the design and development process we constantly adding new safety focused solutions.

We are very excited to share this part of the design process with you, but we also need your help as we progress to launch.  This is why we launched a survey to help address some of the question we got during the last design and development phase. You can find the survey HERE.  It will give us a very good idea of what can be improved and what you think about our progress to this point. We are always listening to our audience and we are ready to use your ideas in order to create the best possible app.

We encourage you to take our survey today and let us know if you have any other ideas and suggestions. The Hale & Hearty app is getting one step closer to being deployed. We can’t wait to see the survey results and to share more information about the launch of the app in the near future!