Eating well as part of health and wellbeing
Eating well as part of  health and wellbeing

Eating well as part of health and wellbeing

The aim of the Hale & Hearty project is to provide a comprehensive Health & Wellbeing Knowledge Base and an easy-to-use web application to provide health and wellbeing information to the public. As well as promoting physical activity as a contributor to better health, this project also increases awareness of healthy eating as part of a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Obesity as a key predictor of poor physical health is one of the indicators in the Health System Performance Assessment (HSPA) framework, developed by the Department of Health and other stakeholders.

Eating healthily is a huge part of looking after our general health and keeping ourselves well. A better awareness of the importance of a healthier diet can lead to people eating well and this can contribute to decreased levels of obesity. Healthy Ireland is a Unit within the Department of Health. A key focus of the Unit is promoting healthier eating through simple nutritious meals to stay healthy. They provide valuable information and guidance on their website :

This includes making eating plans, new initiatives being rolled out, tips for healthy eating, tips for older people, quick meals, snacks, takeaways, cooking with children, food safety, managing your weight and growing your own.

Obesity policy and action plan for Ireland 2016 - 2025
Obesity policy and action plan 2016-2025

The importance of a good healthy diet in conjunction with keeping active is more relevant now than ever. The Hale & Hearty knowledge base provides information in promoting physical exercise. This along with increased awareness of healthy eating can lead to lesser levels of obesity and better health outcomes in our population. food pyramid: healthy food for life
Healthy food for life: food pyramid